At 05:05 PM 1/20/00 -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Hi,
>     My box running slink here would like to do the
> potato upgrade but I'm concerned that it might run
> out of disk space:
> Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/hda1             296633  248813    32500     88%   /
> /dev/hda3             675175  343296   297003     54%   /home
> Safe to upgrade?

No it's not safe for you to upgrade - not enough disk space.  When I
downloaded everything it was 155MB.  You need to delete quite a few files
from your root file system.

One way to get around that problem would be to do this:

rmdir /var/lib/dpkg/methods/<some-method>/debian
mkdir /home/debian
ln -s /home/debian /var/lib/dpkg/methods/<some-method>/debian

before you start upgrading.  That will alleviate your disk space problem.

mkdir /home/debian
apt-get -d -o dir::cache=/home/debian dist-upgrade
(this will download all the files and put them in /home/debian
 see apt-get -h)
apt-get -o dir::cache=/home/debian dist-upgrade
(this will install them from /home/debian)

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