On Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 05:01:44PM +0100, Robert Waldner wrote:
> I think Wouter meant to download one package at a time, then install
> it, then go fetch the next and so on. This way you could do with _a
> lot_ less free space for keeping the debs before installing them...

I think a wrapper script for apt-get could be written to do that. For
instance it would use the following:

apt-get update
apt-get -s upgrade > upgrade.list
foreach line in upgrade.list where line =~ /^Inst:(.*)/
apt-get install line

The problems would be to check for:
1) 'apt-get update' fails to download indices
2) 'apt-get install line' returns an error 
        (ignore package already newest available)

Of course, the user would have to be present during this whole thing as
each round of 'apt-get install line' may have a new set of questions.
Alternatively there's the 'Yes' to all questions flag -- may not cover
all cases though (???).

| Eric G. Miller                        egm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

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