The thing is that various partitioning schemes suggest having one small
disk for the boot system and a larger one for the other stuff.  The install
process creates these as / and /usr.
So /var, which can be a hog, ends up on the little partition.

In the past I've used a symlink to get around this, but in my recent
installs I've just been leaving it be.  I hope I don't get a rude surprise
when doing a big apt-get....

Perhaps there should be a tip about this, or some default behavior that
fits better?

At 07:23 PM 1/20/00 -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 06:43:08PM -0800, Nick Jennings wrote:
>>      This brings up a question that i've had for sometime, but haven't
>> yet asked anyone.
>>      Why the hell does Debian insist on putting some very disk space
>> consuming directories in /var ?? such as:
>> /var/ftp
>> /var/cache
>> /var/lib/dpkg
>I suggest reading . The /var partition
>holds "variable" data.  Hence it can become very large. The /usr
>partition is for executables, libraries, etc... from the distributor --
>files that should rarely change (with a stable distro). In fact, it may
>be wise to segment /var depending on the type of system use.
>| Eric G. Miller               |
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