Alec, thanks for the info. I was useful as Win2k does have boot loader
similar to NT4's. I could just make hda1 the partition with Win2k by
physically swapping the drives and then use the boot loader from Win2k
(given the necessary tweaks).

That solutions is however more work than I'm willing to do to play with
Microsoft's latest bloatware ... I mean OS, whoops. Does anyone know a
way I can boot Win2k from hdb1 using LILO?



On 24 Jan, Alec Smith wrote:
> I don't know much about Win2k since I haven't had a chance to get my hands 
> on a copy yet, but if its anything like WinNT....
> With NT 4 you have the NT Boot Loader from which you can boot NT, or 
> (surprise!) other OSes. The best way I've found to get everything going on 
> the system is to insert Linux into the NT boot loader. There's a How-To 
> which describes how to do this on Essentially you want to 
> get Linux to put its bootsector at the beginning of the partition its on. 
> Then you'll use 'dd' to copy the bootsector from the Linux partition into a 
> file on a FAT partition. From there you can edit NT's boot.ini file 
> inserting a line which points at the bootsector file you made with dd.
> Win98 can also be inserted into the NT boot loader. For it you'll add a 
> line like
> c:\="Windows 98"
> Since I don't know Win2k, I can't say if this info is of use, but hopefully 
> it is.
> At 04:57 PM 1/24/00 -1000, you wrote:
>>Like most of you, I like playing with opeating systems. I am having
>>difficulty using lilo to boot Win2K from hdb. Here's my lilo.conf file.
>>         label=Linux
>>         alias=L
>>         read-only
>>         label=Win98
>>         alias=W
>>         table=/dev/hda
>>         label=Win2K
>>         table=/dev/hdb
>>Both the linux image and the Win98 partition have no problems, but then
>>they both exist on hda. Right now I can boot my machine, input 'win2k'
>>at the LILO prompt, I get the message 'Loading Win2k' and then the
>>system freezes, either immediately or after a blank screen. The hdb1
>>partition is active. Am I missing something in my lilo.conf? Is it even
>>possible to use lilo to boot an OS from other than the first disk?
>>If I change 'other=/dev/hdb1' to the MBR on hdb, i.e 'other=/dev/hdb' I
>>get a 'Partition entry not found error.' I don't think that is the right
>>direction, but I figured that I should try it. I know that Win2K
>>installed something to the MBR of hdb because if I swap hdb and hda,
>>Win2k boots just fine. Any suggestions?
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