> Subject: Re: Lilo & hdb
> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 17:27:50 -1000 (HST)
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Alec, thanks for the info. I was useful as Win2k does have boot loader
> similar to NT4's. I could just make hda1 the partition with Win2k by
> physically swapping the drives and then use the boot loader from Win2k
> (given the necessary tweaks).
> That solutions is however more work than I'm willing to do to play with
> Microsoft's latest bloatware ... I mean OS, whoops. Does anyone know a
> way I can boot Win2k from hdb1 using LILO?

Hi, perhaps this can help you. I am putting these lines in my lilo.conf
to be able to boot Win95 from hdb1:

         map-drive=0x80 to=0x81
         map-drive=0x81 to=0x80

The trick is to make Win95 think that it is actually booting from hda :D

- Christian

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