On 5 Feb 00, at 14:33, Lane Lester wrote:

> For several hours I've been without a system that would boot to any
> OS. My goal was to move Corel Linux's lilo from the MBR to its boot
> partition so that I could add Debian and control everything with Win
> NT's boot manager.
> I thought I had a procedure figured out that would work... I was
> wrong. I won't bore you with a procedure that didn't work; suffice it
> to say that I was left with a system that, at boot time, would just
> stream "0x01" continuously up the screen.
> I reinstalled Windows NT in hopes of restoring the MBR (MBR) where I
> figured the problem was. I hadn't used NT in so long that there would
> be no loss in reinstalling. But that didn't fix the problem; I still
> couldn't boot.
> So I bit the bullet and reinstalled Corel Linux from scratch, and at
> least now I can run both it and Win 98 again.  But that leaves me once
> again under the domination of Corel Linux's lilo with no way to add
> another Linux.
You should be able to update the lilo.conf file in core's partition to 
add the boot image for the other version of linux.  This months 
Linux Journal had a great article on multiboot machines.  If you 
would like I will type in his lilo.conf file as an example, just email 
me direct and I will send it to you.
"Clothes make the man, naked people have little or no 
influence on society" --Mark Twain--

Nathan Tenney
Computer Specialist
K-SAR Video Productions
Utah State University

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