On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 08:28:16PM +0100, Ron Rademaker wrote:
: Your story is right if you install kernel-images, not if, like I always
: do, download source code untar and gunzip it and ...

Gosh, I wish I'd known that before I built 30 or so kernels using
kernel-package and the tarballs from www.kernel.org ... hmm, I wonder
why they work???

hint: you don't need to install kernel-source-bla or kernel-image-bla
to enjoy kernel-package!  Besides, you already have a kernel-image
package installed as part of base.  As far as debian can tell this is
the current kernel rev even if you've rolled your own.

Having said that, if you persist in doing things "the hard way" that's
no big deal to me :->

Nathan Norman                    Network Magician, Eclectic Engineer
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