> 1GB Fat(for file sharing between NT and Linux)
remark: kernel 2.4 will support ntfs write access (even though still
experimental, i think). so you would not need a "share partition"

> 1GB ext2 (Debian Slink)
> which is broken down to
>       150MB /
>       150MB /var
>       100MB /home
>       40MB  /tmp
>  the rest   /usr
150 mb / seems a bit much to me. i have 50 meg and 23 meg are still free.
(note, that /opt is symlinked to /usr/opt (i don't know the default of
debian)). i don't think that it is a good idea to have a separate /tmp
partition (if you are not paranoid). my /tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp.
as this may cause trouble, if /var cannot be mounted, possibly it would be
good to do it the other way round (/var/tmp a symlink to /tmp, /tmp on the
/ partition) - that would justify the big /. but having highly variable
data on / may be a consistency risk in crash-cases ...
how much /home you need depends entirely on you ...

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