On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 05:15:01AM +0800, Chan Chee Seng wrote:
> I split them this way..
> 1GB NTFS(for WinNT)
> 1GB Fat(for file sharing between NT and Linux)
> 1GB ext2 (Debian Slink)
> is this ok?

Depending on your use of NT, the 1 GB might be reduced.

Your share partition could very likely be reduced to a few hundred MB,
with few ranging from 1-5.

1 GB for Linux is a bit thin.  My own allocation is:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               152247     56270     88115  39% /
/dev/sdb5               101089      1146     94724   1% /tmp
/dev/sdb6               303344    271453     16230  94% /var
/dev/sda5              1209572    918124    230004  80% /usr
/dev/sdb7              1517920   1218364    222448  85% /usr/local
/dev/hda6               249871    127331    109640  54% /usr/src
/dev/sda7               585008    263176    292116  47% /home
/dev/hda5               495960     89740    380620  19% /var/spool/news
/dev/hda8               253775    134564    106109  56% /usr/doc

Various things affect how much space you need.  In particular, I find
that emacs, TeX, and perl consume a lot of space on /usr, and that
services such as mail, news, proxy cache, and DEB downloads take up a
lot of /var.

I would thin down your FAT partition, give yourself something like 1.8
GB for Linux, plus a 128 MB (or roughly 2x physical memory) swap

Reasonable default partition sizes, if you choose to split them out

    /        40 -  50 MB
    /tmp     32 - 100 MB
    /var    100 - 200 MB
    /usr      1 -   1.5 GB
    /home   remainder -- 100+ MB

Ideally you'd add more storage to your system down the road.  I'm
running an older system with 1x2.4 GB IDE and 2x2.0 GB SCSI.  At current
costs, 6-20 GB storage is relatively inexpensive.

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

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