Eric Hanchrow wrote:
> >>>>> "w" == w trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     w> aaugh!
>     w> i'd appreciate any direction... thanks (i've still got some hair
>     w> left, and would like to keep it).
> Would you consider upgrading to potato, and then installing postgresql
> 6.5.3 from potato?  That way you don't have to deal with rpm's.  I can
> vouch that
> * upgrading from slink to potato isn't difficult
> and
> * postgresql works fine on potato

coming from the midwest, i used to think that a potato was
something dan quayle never actually misspelled, and that
farmers grew.

what the hell is potato, in debian/linux context?

i would consider almost anything, but not prior to
knowledge of it...

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