(on-list again)

On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 02:26:03PM -0500, w trillich wrote:
> kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> > 
> > (off list)
> > 
> > While it's always rewarding to get something that was broken to work,
> > it's usually more illuminating for the rest of the world to find out
> > some details of *how* you fixed it.  This is actually a valuable service
> > of mailing lists and Usenet.
> exactly so.
> but i have the feeling that the original problem was quite that--
> original--with me, due to my flailing around in the dark with only
> a few outdated HOWTOs over here and HTML manuals over there to
> guide me. a thousand monkeys at random will never churn out a
> single line of shakespeare, i now know for certain...

You'd be surprised at how often this occurs.  Outdated packages,
confusion over package management tools, etc.  Even from those of use
who've used Unix for fscking ever (13 years), Linux for a while (4
years), and Debian long enough to know some warts (6 months).

> maybe i could summarize, in public, the important points i learned:
>       rpm: bad
>       dpkg: not as bad
>       dselect: not bad
>       apt-get: recommended
> and then a browse thru some of the --reinstall and --purge iterations.
> what do you think?

That's actually a reasonably good summary -- flesh it out to maybe three
times the length describing the problem, why various approaches were
bad, and a command sequence that finally got things working.

Advantage being that everything's in one place.  I'm doing some DB
installations myself, and was skimming your thread, but didn't have time
(bandwidth to signal is getting really, really nuts) to read closely.  A
closing post summarizing the situation is a Good Thing (tm).

> (maybe mention the URL of a more current FAQ at the tail of the
> debian-user list, near the 'unsubscribe' tag? you may already post
> such a best periodically as some lists do--i've not been on here
> long enough to guess on that one.)

Sorry -- FAQ for Debian, the List, or what?

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

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