w trillich wrote:
  >just like star wars, rebel fighters in the trench heading towards
  >the exhaust port: "almost there.... almost there...."
  >the "apt-get --reinstall" worked really well.
  >now there's something weird with the initlocation script, probably
  >a setting i've got going someplace.
WHY are you using initlocation?  initdb is the command to use to create
your database.  I have never actually heard of anyone's using initlocation!
Do you really need to have separate storage areas?

  >as the initlocation script goes thru its arguments, looking
  >for -u and so forth, it gives $PGALTDATA anything it can't
  >figure out what else to do with:
  >     case "$1" in
  >             <snipsnip>
        --location=*) PGALTDATA="`echo $1 | sed 's/^--pgdata=//'`"; ;;
        -D) shift; PGALTDATA="$1"; ;;
  >             *) PGALTDATA="$1"; ;;
  >     esac
Notice that it is taking one single parameter, so all the garbage below
must have been in quotes.

  >turns out, with my settings the whole bloomin' ENVIRONMENT
  >get crammed into $PGALTDATA. this is bad because (here's
  >a "sh -xv `which initlocation` -u postgres" trace):

... trace snipped ...

  >not that big a deal, of course, in this instance, but maybe
  >it's a situation to trap for? (i'm using tcsh, like any self-
  >respecting ex-sysadmin would, of course.)

Having been brought up on SysV, I regard csh as a snare and a delusion.
How did it manage to put your environment onto the command line?
Perhaps I should test for the parent process: if it is a csh derivative
I will go off and sulk! :-)

I can't really modify the script on the basis that users are likely
to throw junk at it!  This is a (postgres-)superuser program; the user
is supposed to know what he's doing.

  >just so you know: THANKS for being so understanding with me, i really
  >appreciate it. this has been a hellacious ordeal, and it looks
  >like i'm at the end of the tunnel, finally! i'm not feeling so snappish
  >any more...
Did you get any sleep last night?

  >you have the patience of a saint! (maybe you could spread it around?
  >bottle it up and sell it?)

See sig.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
               PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
     "I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me 
      from all my fears."    Psalms 34:41 

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