On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Bill wrote:

> Hi All,
>             Can someone please tell me the easiest and safest way to mirror
> a Hard Drive,  keeping all permissions, owner, groups etc. intact

        Well, this depends on what you *really* want to do. From above it
        sounds like you want to mirror the files, etc (ie. without regard for
        partitions, etc, on the disk).

        If so, have a look at GNU tar. The man page documents options for
        preserving file attributes. I've done lots of backups with GNU tar and
        had no problems restoring files with the correct attributes.

        If you're looking at mirroring the hard disk *itself*.. hmm... I'd have
        a look at GNU dd, but perhaps some one else on the list might have a
        (better?) suggestion if that's the case.



     ,,$$$$$$$$$,      Marcus Crafter
    ;$'      '$$$$:    Computer Systems Engineer
    $:         $$$$:   Open Software Associates GmbH
     $       o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
     ;$,    _/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
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