> 1. DOS: Do you have DOS Installed as well ? [Y / N]
>    (An old DOS boot diskette will also do ...)
>    IF Yes THEN
>        Do a TYPE TxtFile > PRN
>        IF Output Ok THEN
>           NO Hardware problem
>           Exit DOS and go to Linux
>        ELSE
>           Hardware problem (?)
>           Check cables/ connectors etc.
>           Reboot & pray
> 2. LINUX:
>        a) Do a dmesg. Check which device your printer is polled
>           IF polled THEN
>              No kernel problems
>              Move to b)
>           ELSE
>              lp support in kernel (!)
>              Exit ... recompile kernel ...
I'm using kernel 2.2.17, could you please explain me what you mean by lp
support in kernel??
I have the same problem (so it seems), linux explains: jobs queued, but
cannot start daemon


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