On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 10:40:18PM +0200, Stephan Kulka wrote:
> > 
> > 2. LINUX:
> >  
> >        a) Do a dmesg. Check which device your printer is polled
> >           IF polled THEN
> >              No kernel problems
> >              Move to b)
> >           ELSE
> >              lp support in kernel (!)
> >              Exit ... recompile kernel ...
> I'm using kernel 2.2.17, could you please explain me what you mean by lp
> support in kernel??
> I have the same problem (so it seems), linux explains: jobs queued, but
> cannot start daemon
> Stephan

Sorry to be over 12 hrs late in reply.  I pick up my
mail once a day only. There are two issues here that
you have brought about:

a) Kernel support for lp
b) Kernel 2.2.17 (peculiarities if any for lp)

Please give me a day or two, and I will give you the
full details in  personal mail  regarding the  first 
aspect. It would be too long to put on the list. 

The second aspect is an area I am a bit woolly about, 
I am still on Slink (Kernel 2.0.36). You may already
be aware that beginning with  kernel 2.1.33 , the lp 
device is merely a client of the new parport device.
I need to gen up  myself on this issue  before I can
say anything .... I do not think there should be any 
significant difference, as far as the  lp  device is
concerned, but its better to be sure. 

Can anybody who has used kernels beyond 2.1.xx  take 
this aspect on ?

USM Bish


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