USM Bish wrote:

> >1. DOS: Do you have DOS Installed as well ? [Y / N]
>    (An old DOS boot diskette will also do ...)

Boot into Win98 printer works fine

> 2. LINUX:
>        a) Do a dmesg. Check which device your printer is polled
>          EpsonSC800 at /dev/lp0
>        b) Do a cat Txtfile > /dev/lpN (where N is the device polled)

Prints fine (ascii text)

>        c) PrinterSetUp : If system installed properly, a printer
>           software should have been installed (lpr or lprng):
>           IS lpd daemon running ?


>              ELSE
>                 Try manually to get lpd to work and produce anything !
>                    i) Make a spool directory
>                       mkdir /var/spool/lpd
>                   ii) Make a simple /etc/printcap
>                       lp|foo|my-printer:\
>                         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/foo:\
>                         :mx#0:\
>                         :lp=/dev/lpN:\  [substitute N for number]
>                         :sh:
>                       Dont bother about the "if=" (input filter) at this
>                       stage. Just get anything going ... even staircasing
>                       is acceptable.
>                  iii) Do a cat FileName | lpr
>                       IS something coming ? [Y/N]


>                           ELSE
>                          Grim scene !
>                          Check for PLIP conflict


>                          Check IRQ conflict


>                          Check file permissions of lpr, lpd etc


lpq returns: "Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'SC800L'
                    Queue: no printable jobs in queue
                      status: removing job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' -ABORT at [time]"

The numerical part of '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' changes with each attempt to print.

> IF still no joy THEN
>                             PRAY !

Hasn't worked yet. :)

>                          ELSE
>                             suicide ...

Not a viable option

> You would agree, if nothing is coming out from the printer,
> this checklist should cover almost everything that readily
> comes to the mind.

It does

> Please add if something has been missed ..

Debian 2.2 kernal 2.2.17 -- Bug in kernal?

> The rest is actually getting an appropriate driver for your
> specific printer (for ps printing mainly).  Normally  epson
> printers pose no problems,  and there should be a driver in
> either magic/ apsfilter. If no joy you would have to settle
> for a generic driver ....  but printing should not stop.

apsfilter with GS uniprint filters worked in SuSE, RH, Debian2.1, Slackware ...
/etc/printcap looks same as prior setups.  Again, bug in kernal 2.2.17?

> Best wishes,
> USM Bish

Thanks a bunch!


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