On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 12:46:23AM -0700, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> Suggestions:  X Window Resources, aliases, shell scripts, .profile or
> .login scripts.

    All of which require me to leave a login on the machine.  I fail to see
why it is hard to sympathize.  I can launch commands on one machine with a GUI
menu, why can I not have a GUI menu which isn't tied to the WM on a second
machine to launch applications there?

> Under WindowMaker, dock/clip icons can be tied to specific actions.
> These might include remote commands via ssh (though you'll have to deal
> with authentication).  Other window managers may have similar
> functionality.

    OK, I may not have explained things adequately for you to understand why
this isn't possible.  Here is my setup:

                           Work - WinNT w/Exceed
                             X server running here
                              /        \
    Home - Linux -----Cable--/-|      |-\-Ether-------- Work - Solaris
        WM runs here             No                 Want to launch here

    Note, there is no connection between the Home Linux box and the Work
Solaris box.  To make a connection I would need to go through three
intermediate steps.  That makes remote execution from the home machine
difficult to script and then I would be doing something foolish.  I would be
exporting a sessions over my cable modem to my Linux box through SSH where it
is then tossed back out the cable modem over another ssh session to my NT box
which is on the same ether as the solaris box.

    What I am looking for is something GUI to run on the Solaris box to launch
common applications without needing to leave a terminal open on the machine.
However, since the Solaris box isn't running a WM the recent popular
toolkits/libraries (KDE, GNome and associated libs) aren't available.  It
seems logical to me that when one is in a GUI and can launch a variety of
applications from one environment with the GUI one might want to be able to
launch a variety of applications in the other environment using a GUI as well.
To me it seems a simple enough concept.  Maybe I'm the first one to think of
it, who knows.  Hopefully, however, this explination helps.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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