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Wednesday, September 20, 2000, 12:11:27 PM, kmself wrote:
> You'll need to authenticate yourself to the remote system(s) no matter
> what, unless you're running some sort of insecure remote access protocol
> such as rsh.

    Correct.  However one doesn't need to remain logged in to do so.  I can
log in, run the toolbar, export the display to my desktop then log out.  From
then on the toolbar would be used to launch applications.

>>     OK, I may not have explained things adequately for you to understand why
>> this isn't possible.  Here is my setup:
>>                            Work - WinNT w/Exceed
>>                              X server running here
>>                               /        \
>>     Home - Linux -----Cable--/-|      |-\-Ether-------- Work - Solaris
>>         WM runs here             No                 Want to launch here
>>                               connection
>>                                here

> Seems to me that eXceed running on the NT box is exogenous.

    Why?  I need to do work on both the Windows platform and on a host of unix
platforms.  What better way to consolidate my work into a single interface
than to run Exceed on a Windows desktop?

> My understanding:
>     - You are sitting at home.

    Read the diagram above again.  "Work - WinNT w/Exceed - X server running
here" with the others exporting to the X server would suggest that I am
sitting at the WinNT box, not at home.

>     - You *do* have direct Internet access to your NT box
>     - You *don't* have direct Internet access to your Solaris box.

    I do not have direct internet access to either machine.  I am sitting
behind the firewall but /do/ have direct internet access to my home machine
from work.

>     - You want to launch X-based apps on the Solaris box to your local
>       (home) X display.

    I want to launch X-based apps on the solaris box to my WinNT box which
already has a window manager on it from my home box.

> Your problem is also not quite the simple "how do I launch a remote X
> app" issue you'd initially posed.  You need to establish the network
> connection first.

    No, it is just that.  I want something to launch X apps on the Solaris box
without requiring a constant shell login /or/ the window manager to be run on
that box since it is being run elsewhere.


    All of which are moot since I seem to have not expressed the problem
clearly yet.

>> What I am looking for is something GUI to run on the Solaris box to
>> launch common applications without needing to leave a terminal open on
>> the machine.  However, since the Solaris box isn't running a WM the
>> recent popular toolkits/libraries (KDE, GNome and associated libs)
>> aren't available.

> Irrelevant.

    It is quite relevant.  In fact, it is the whole point of my query.  The WM
is running on the home Linux box which is displayed on my NT box's Exceed
server, my butt is firmly planted at work in front of the NT box and I want a
method to launch applications on the Solaris box from the NT box in a
graphical fashion.

- --
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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