
    my suggestion is that you do what other helpful
souls have already said:
      uname -r (or a for the full listing)
to find which kernel you're running.
And then get online go to a prompt and type
      apt-get install kernel-source.2.2.XX
After that installs you should find
kernel-source.2.2.XX.tar.gz. in your /usr/src
Expand that w/ the command:
      tar -zxvf kernel-source.2.2.XX.tar.gz
(Remember to :
   ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source.2.2.XX /usr/src/linux)
After that run:
and answer any prompts w/ the default answers (if you
have changed them and can't remember
 the default answers, delete your vmware-distrib
directory and recreate it and re-install.)
  It should work for you after that!

--- "John C. Plummer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>     Found in the archives that others have loaded
> vmware on Debian 2.2
> w/o too much difficulty.
> But I had one small problem trying with the install
> of the current
> release for Linux.  It did not
> find any prebuilt vmnet modules that worked and
> wanted to build one.
> When it asked for the
> headers location I gave it
> /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.12.
>     It erred with a message that there might be a
> slight inconsistency
> between the current
> kernel and the source headers.  Its recommendation
> was to rebuild the
> kernel with those
> headers.  However, rebuilding kernels is a little
> out of my league right
> now.
>     Using apt-get update and upgrade and trying
> again did not change the
> situation.  Any
> suggestions.  Should I supply a different location? 
> Should I download
> and supply a different
> library?  Thanks in advance for your support.  If
> you guys are ever near
> Johnstown, PA, the
> pizzas on us.
> jcp
> -- 
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Regards-                                   Nuhn O. Yobiznez

            Why?  Why not?  Why not try?
          The rule of an inquisitive mind.


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