--- "John C. Plummer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Thanks to Nuhn, Tom, John and Andrew for your
> responses.  Here's how it has progressed:  uname
> indicates a 2.2.12 kernel.  The existing source is
> in
> /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.12/include.  The apt-
> get as Nuhn suggested created a set in /usr/src/
> kernel-source-2.2.12/include.
>     I reinstalled using the new source.  It
> complained
> first about missing the version.h file, the
> autoconf.h
> and finally the entire linux modules directory.  I
> copied these from the old source and the install
> continued to the same point stating:
>     'There is probably a light difference of kernel
> configuration between the set of C header files
> you specified and your running kernel...'
>     Probably this is caused by the missing files
> that
> were copied from the old 2.2.12 source.  If no one
> has any other ideas, I'll try Andrew's kernel
> rebuild
> suggestion.  Again, thanks!
> jcp
Hi John,
    If you're going to do a kernel build (I highly
suggest it.....After a few frustrating misses you'll
get it and wonder how you could do without it,
especially if you add new hardware every so often.)
    Use make xconfig in your /usr/src/linux directory
(be careful to look @ ALL the choices some hide in
unlikely places. Be especially careful to include RTC
[ enhanced real time clock {located in character
devices}; if you don't include it vmware complains]
and DO NOT include any console frame buffer devices,
they will LOCK your system when trying to launch
vmware to the point Ctrl-Alt-Del won't even work for a
proper shutdown. If you want to have parallel port
devices (printers) available to your virtual machine,
enable parallel port and PC style hardware in general
setup AND parallel printer support in character
devices. Parallel port scanners, zip drives, LS-120,
and other devices will take a little more "kluging"
around to get to work in Linux but once you build a
successful kernel you won't be afraid of trying to
build for alternate hardware.
     Debian is great for newbie kernel building
because it has a wonderful package called kpkg. This
package does ALMOST everything for you! I highly
recommend doing an apt-get for it! It simplifies the
process to the point that after xconfig all you have
to do is:
      make-kpkg clean
      make-kpkg --revision=custom.X.XX.XXXX
  (Read The Fine [kpkg] Manual for the explaination of
the X's)
After this you will find a 
in the /usr/src directory. Just use:
      dpkg -i kernel-image.custom.X.XX.XXXX.deb
This will install the kernel and modules and then run
lilo to point at the correct package!
   Read ALL the docs for regular kernel building and
kpkg b4 you try. These docs will tell you how to set
up your system to have your old kernel to boot if your
new kernel won't boot (I wish I had the first time!)
   I'll be looking forward to the pizza next time I'm
in PA...................C U!
                           (Nuhn is a nom de plume)

Regards-                                   Nuhn O. Yobiznez

            Why?  Why not?  Why not try?
          The rule of an inquisitive mind.


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