what do you do and what errors do you get? I had no problems until I
introduced epoch, it looks like package does not understand it properly
(see my other post or other reply to this thread)

  in response to David: you probably need to recompile 3dfx (build a new
package and install it)


Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> dave,
> this isn't the reply you wanted, but fwiw, i can't get the 3dfx driver to
> work for the life of me.  i've been at it for a couple of days now.  i
> emailed the packager, steve hasam(sp?) twice, and he hasn't replied at all.
> not even a "RTFM".  (i'll leave my opinion of his maintainer's status unsaid).
> i've read a number of people in the same predicament on this list.  i'd say
> 4 or 5 people by now, in the past 2 weeks.  one person emailed me and said
> his driver worked.  i emailed him back and got no reply.
> i also tried using rpm2cpio on the rpms offered on 3dfx's website.  they
> compiled and didn't work either, but i should try that again.
> if someone here has their voodoo 3 working, a bunch of people would really
> like to hear from you!
> pete
> On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, David Bellows wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > At one point I had my Voodoo 3 working perfectly in Debian, but then I
> > installed a new SB Live! which is where things went south.  In order to
> > get sound to work I upgraded to the latest (unstable) ALSA which in turn
> > required a kernel update, etc.  After a few hours I got it all working
> > with the new kernel (2.2.17 as opposed to 2.2.17pre6 -- the default from
> > potato).  But when I tried to load the 3dfx module I got these errors:
> >
> > /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/3dfx.o: unresolved symbol
> > register_chrdev_R06af9881
> > /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/3dfx.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/3dfx.o
> > failed
> > /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/3dfx.o: insmod 3dfx failed
> >
> > As I said before, I did have all this working with kernel 2.2.17pre6.
> > So I attempted to follow the directions and recompile the 3dfx source
> > for my new kernel.  No go.  I can't for the life of me get anything to
> > work.  So my question is, has anyone got their Voodoo3 working with the
> > woody kernel 2.2.17?  And would the compiled module 3dfx.o also work on
> > my machine (AMD K6II-300)?  And so, would somebody please send me a
> > copy?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > David Bellows
> >
> >
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