Hello Peter and anyone else having problems

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> dave,
> this isn't the reply you wanted, but fwiw, i can't get the 3dfx driver to
> work for the life of me.  i've been at it for a couple of days now.  i
> emailed the packager, steve hasam(sp?) twice, and he hasn't replied at all.
> not even a "RTFM".  (i'll leave my opinion of his maintainer's status unsaid).
> i've read a number of people in the same predicament on this list.  i'd say
> 4 or 5 people by now, in the past 2 weeks.  one person emailed me and said
> his driver worked.  i emailed him back and got no reply.
> i also tried using rpm2cpio on the rpms offered on 3dfx's website.  they
> compiled and didn't work either, but i should try that again.
> if someone here has their voodoo 3 working, a bunch of people would really
> like to hear from you!

OK, here's what I did.  

1)I apt-get removed my existing device3dfx-source and also removed
/usr/src/modules/ which is where the source was.

2) apt-get install device3dfx-source.

3) cd /usr/src/

4) tar zxfv device3dfx-source

5) cd modules  # This dir is created by the above command

6) cd modules/device3dfx

7) ./debian/buildpkg  # This as per the docs in        

8)  This time it compiled.  Before when I ran this command it wouldn't
compile, apparently I needed to clean up some stuff but I didn't know
how.  Re-installing the whole package provided me with a clean script.

9)  The module will be located in /usr/src/modules/device3dfx as 3dfx.o

10) cp 3dfx.o /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/  # obviously sub 2.2.17 for
wherever your modules are.

11)  According to /usr/src/modules/device3dfx/debian/README.debian do
the following
  A) mknod /dev/3dfx c 107 0  
  B) make the group "audio" have rw permissions for /dev/3dfx
  C) make sure whatever user you want to use belongs to the group

12)  insmod 3dfx

13) Start fragging  # hopefully, this worked for me.

Hope this helps,
David Bellows

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