On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 11:20:44AM -0000, thus spake John-Mark:
> Hello all
> I have been battling with exim, fetchmail and mutt now for what seems like
> eons! I have made progress over the time and am at a situation now where I
> can receive mal I send to a normal user from root. However when trying to
> connect receive mail from my remote server fetchmail does not seem to be
> passing the mail to exim and  therefore I am receiving no mail in the jmj
> mail box. Does nay one have any idea a how I can rectify this problem? Also
> if fetchmail is not transferring mail to exim where is it putting it?
> Thanks for all help which is much appreciated.
> jm

First of all establish whether Exim is listening on port 25

$ telnet localhost 25

You should get a response like this

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 glynthebearded.localdomain ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Thu, 23 Nov 2000 20:57:55

If that works then Exim is where you want it and your problems lie

How about letting us have a look at your .fetchmailrc?

Some good stuff on setting up fetchmail is on Martin Holland's Noether Linux

and for a well-commented .muttrc for beginners try Telsa at



Glyn M

                   * None can love freedom heartily but good men; *
                   *    the rest love not freedom but license     *
                   *                John Milton                   *

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