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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I'm working on it.  Just recompiled my kernel the other day to support
> firewalling but haven't had time to work on the iptables and other
> configuration issues.

I find it easier to configure exim to listen only on (with the
"local_interfaces" setting) - it's all fetchmail needs - than fudge with

Much cleaner that way, I think.  But that's just me :)

> @home is way too broad in their description of "server".  I understand
> that their intent is to limit bandwidth since it is a shared resource
> but their one-size-fits-all policy is ridiculous.

Tell me about it.  Why doesn't anyone consider special cases like
hobbyists any more?  I would willingly pay a small premium to be able to
run "servers" as a private person.

> They would not go for it.  They were especially not helpful after I, point
> blank, told them that their policy only served to conserve bandwidth for
> use by teenagers pirating software, stolen music and porn.  Hmmm...maybe
> I shouldn't have told them that, huh?  :)


Back to your problem with fetchmail: would it help to see a working

My exim.conf is at http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/exim.conf

This is my .fetchmailrc:

set postmaster "phil"
poll <mailserver> with proto POP3
   user "<pop3username>" there with password "<pop3passwd>" is phil here

I put a fetchmail entry in my crontab to check my email every 5 mins.

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key: http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/gpg-public-key.asc
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
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