On Thu 10 Dec 98, 10:55 AM, Mac said...
> BTW, if he would be such an ignorant person why isn't he flaming your replies 
> and starting a real flame war? Looks like he is polite and mature enough to 
> be a Ph.D. and to not behave this premature way.
i am nearing a phd in theoretical physics myself, and i find your opinion
that a phd == "nice", "polite" or "mature" to be very naive.

on the contrary, it's almost requisite to border on egomania and obsessive
compulsive.  being firmly entrenched in this degree, this is from my personal
experience and dealings with other phd candidates and postdocs.

now it could very well be that this guy had his password stolen (i don't
think so, but it could be the case).    but PLEASE don't make the very
misguided assumption that just because he has 3 letters after his name, he
has somehow magically attained beatific status.  he's human.   a phd means
you're very intelligent, very creative and have an amazing ability to focus
on narrow problems.  nowhere did i mention rational or polite.

as for the person who said that "psychology isn't a real degree", well,
you're just a plain idiot.  that's really all i can say about you.  this
kroger guy appears to be studying physical psychology.  that's not an easy
subject.  and before anyone asks, i'm studying theoretical physics, not
psychology.  a phd in ANY discipline is a tremendous undertaking.

i find it funny that this thread is being kept alive by the very people who
are saying "don't reply to the message".


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