On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Chris Gray wrote:
> Maybe you could give me some Message-IDs?
Sorry, already deleted them after reading. Fetched mails last day, searched 
them for kroeger, found the following subjects, read them (this threads were 
started by kroeger [2], at least the mails i had in my inbox stated that). If 
i missed something or misread something, i am sorry, don't want to make 
stupid noise and will stop it :-/

Subjects/Threads found (started by kroeger):
xdm questions; resolution?
2.2 -> 2.2.2r
no modules after kernel compile
linux freezes during scanning [SOLVED]
Re: GNU/Linux boot disk w/lilo
OT: regular expression question

On this thread he answered with unsubscribe (three times) but it was not 
his thread:
Re: erase my adress on your list!!!

> This wasn't simple and polite
Well, ok.

> it was his way of trying to unsubscribe.
It was not his thread. To me it appeared to be an answer.

> Have you *read* all these posts?
I did. Had nothing else to do at this moment :-)

> He (or whoever) was just saying UNSUBSCRIBE a lot.
Three times in the mail i'm referring to.

> It looks to me like he accidentally go subscribed
> and couldn't deal with it.
But then why [2]? At least in my inbox i had those mails stating he started 
the threads with subjects above

> I think you mean immature.
Yes, right.

> There are a lot of possibilities.

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> i am nearing a phd in theoretical physics myself, and i find your opinion
> that a phd == "nice", "polite" or "mature" to be very naive.
True. I was not clear enough on this point.

> but PLEASE don't make the very misguided assumption that just because he
> has 3 letters after his name, he has somehow magically attained beatific
> status
True. Did not want to assume that.

On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
> It could also turn out that this is just a silly psychological experiment

Sorry for being so OT. I wont waste more bandwith.


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