To quote "David Shepherd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Typing 'insmod lp'

'insmod' takes a real file as an argument; for instance, 'insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.0c/kernel/drivers/block/paride/paride.o'. 'modprobe',
however, doesn't need the whole file, just the name(in my example,

# gives me
#       insmod: lp: no module by that name found
# typing find / -name 'lp.o'
# finds nothing

Now, that's a bit worrying. Try 'modprobe lp'. If it gives you a similar
error(ie: not found), then the module is not available. That could mean
that the functionality provided by lp.o is compiled directly into the
kernel, or that it actually hasn't been built at all. If you're using a
stock Debian kernel, I seriously doubt it wasn't included in some
form(either as a module, lp.o, or built directly into the kernel).

If it turns out that it's neither built into the kernel nor available
anywhere as a module, you'll been to compile your own kernel. Read the
Kernel HOWTO at .


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