Quoth John Foster, 
> I recently upgraded to a full woody/testing installation. After a few
> hours of reading & experimenting with "xf86configure"  I got the new
> XFree86 4.0  server to work well. I still have 1 problem. The
> resolutions that are accepted on my monitor are "640x480" "800x600"
> "1024x768" "1280x1024" 24bpp . When the server runs XF86Config-4; it
> automatically loads the lower resolution first. I then have to manually
> (CTRL+ALT +/-) change the resolutions. The problem is that when I select

While I don't know anything much about X4 modelines, and for myself
using the monitor's onscreen display was enough to fix it up, for your
problem of starting in the wrong resolution there is an easy fix.

Under section `screen', go to the line that represents the colour depth
that you're using (which it probably the number next to `DefaultDepth'
in that same section. Just put the prefered resolution at the start of
the line, and Bob's your uncle.



Damon Muller              | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com     | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829     |                      - TBMG, "Dead"

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