Nate Amsden wrote:

> try avoid rebooting whenever possible. i had a bad experience with
> rebooting
> not too long ago. a sun ultra 10..up for about 130 days..shut it down to
> move a UPS, it never came back up. spent the next 15-20 hours rebuilding
> it. 
> nate

I Have had a simular experience (admitedly as a newbie, so wasn't adapt
at saving the install) I had a box up for a month ... made many changes.
Everything was fine.  Had to shutdown for a thunderstorm. On reboot
install was dorked ... which one of the 100's of changes I made killed
it ???
Lesson learned:
Newbie responce ... 
even if it is linux ... 
reboot so you know which change/upgrade killed it ... 
ie better chance to fix it. 

I KNOW THIS is NOT the proper way to do things with Linux ... 
but how else do you know?
Please tell me?
I'll change my evil ways...  


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