On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:41:04 +0100, William Leese writes:
>..okay, so we have maxtor, seagate, conner (same company as seagate maybe, 
>but they still sell HDs under their name) and i think i've heard something 
>about samsung.. so, which HD manufacturer makes reliable HDs, anyone? IBM 

I use IBM-hdds almost exclusively since ~ 1996, mainly because they´re 
 almost always the 2nd-cheapest. Not a single one failed me in that 
 time, even though some of them are installed in, well, suboptimal ways 
 (not being fixated with screws, but dangling around...see
 http://gfrastsackl.org/realityshow/ for examples). This all only 
 counts IDE-drives, for SCSI I use Seagate Cheetah´s, but it seems to 
 me that they´ve got a lifespan of ~ 2 years only, then start slowly 
 dying (but hey, they´re fast).

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
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