> back in 1995(last time that i used seagate) i had 2 conner 420MB drives
> and 1 seagate 540 (and now they are the same company *shudder*) fail
> within
> 3 months of using them because of the powersaving auto spindown. ever
> since
> i have not used that feature unless its on a laptop. and i've only had
> 1 drive die since(maxtor) in 1998 ..

..okay, so we have maxtor, seagate, conner (same company as seagate maybe, 
but they still sell HDs under their name) and i think i've heard something 
about samsung.. so, which HD manufacturer makes reliable HDs, anyone? IBM 

> use vmware..win4lin or something.. i use vmware and it works good. needs
> a lot of ram.. but with 256MB sticks going for under $95 these days 
>...doesn't hurt to get 512MB :)

mmm, i'll give it a try. Just hope someone will come along with a good 
WYSIWYS-editor for linux (GPL-ed.. ofcourse, unlike Bluefish) some time.


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