On Saturday 17 February 2001 07:40, Lute Mullenix wrote:

> Compared to that, Debian is a breeze. I see it like the old driving a
> car comparison, they just want to turn the key and drive, they don't
> want to change the plugs, let alone the water pump. They are just
> unwilling to expend the time and energy it takes to do basic system
> set-up and maintenance. Let alone the learning curve to become
> proficient at it.

Hi Lute,

I did my time with a Coco and OS9 as well.  I can relate utterly to 
what you say.  But I think it is important for people like us, who are 
interested in getting under the hood of the computer so to speak,  to 
keep our interest in perspective. 

We are a minority.  The vast majority of PC users don't care about how 
a computer or OS works.  They aren't interested in the computer or the 
OS or the applications in themselves.  They are only interested in 
accomplishing some task.  They want to surf the web or play a game, 
or cook up a spreadsheet, or write some report that the boss wants on 
his desk by 10:00.  They want the computer to help them accomplish that 
task.  What the computer does or how it works is irrelevant to them.

That does not mean they are lazy or morally deficient.  It just means 
they have different interests and priorities.

> Just my thoughts on it.

And mine.  Freely given, worth what you paid for them...

Bud Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.sirinet.net/~budr/zamm.html
    All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

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