Forrest English wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 03:40:00 +0000, John Carline whispered to the router:

Ahhh.. 'scuse me, I didn't whisper. I said it loud and clear.

> !!
> !! > I got a few friends who are interested in (trying)linux. For TRYING
> purposes I want them to use a debian based Linux. I love using debian 2.2
> !! > and I am pretty new my-self(1.5 year). I think it might be a little
> to
> !! > overwelming for them. I beleive there are three to chose from Corel,
> Storm
> !! > and Libranet.
> !!
> !! Actually there are four good choices. Debian, Debian, Debian and
> Debian. ;-)
> !!
> !! Why abuse your friends by starting them out on an inferior product and
> then making them *relearn* how to do things the Debian way. Be a real
> friend and help them start off with the
> !! *right* distribution.
> !!
> !! John
> or you could get down off your high horse...

<climbing up on my high horse - wasn't really up on it before>

> realize that linux, is still linux.

Hummmm.. linux is linux. What a concept. But is Debian linux? I think of Debian
as a community of  programers/users who support the ideals of the Free Software
Foundation (thank you RMS). That means that Debian *may* be linux, HURD, or any
other system the community decides to support. But whatever system it is, it
will always be *GNU*

> all of those still have a lot of
> debian's good parts there, basicaly with some gui config tools, which are
> good for the handholding that some people need in the begining (although,
> i balk at the idea of corel).   i've gone redhat > mandrake > storm >
> debian.   i like debian a lot.  but, i still recommend mandrake or storm
> to people that i can't personally help all the time to do things "the
> right way".

And I no idea why you do that because I haven't found any of those distributions
to be easier - only different.

> what is it about debian that inspires such zealotry?

Quality software, the ideals of  the Free Software Foundation, and the
understanding that if we add to the *myth* that commercial software is easier to
use we're hurting ourselves.

So I'll repeat my statement. " There are four good choices, Debian, Debian,
Debian, and Debian. :-)"

<climbing down from my high horse now>

Now an observation.

There seems to be an inordinate amount of traffic on this list recommending  the
use of other distributions. Why is that? This is a debian users list so IMHO we
should be encouraging  not discouraging the use of Debian.



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