On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 07:55:12PM +0000, John Carline wrote:
> And I no idea why you do that because I haven't found any of those 
> distributions
> to be easier - only different.
> >
> > what is it about debian that inspires such zealotry?
> >
> Quality software, the ideals of  the Free Software Foundation, and the
> understanding that if we add to the *myth* that commercial software is easier 
> to
> use we're hurting ourselves.
> So I'll repeat my statement. " There are four good choices, Debian, Debian,
> Debian, and Debian. :-)"
> <climbing down from my high horse now>
> Now an observation.
> There seems to be an inordinate amount of traffic on this list recommending 
> the
> use of other distributions. Why is that? This is a debian users list so IMHO 
> we
> should be encouraging  not discouraging the use of Debian.
> John
Hmmm. (rubbing stinging wrists) As one of the guilty parties, I have to
agree. This is a Debian Users list, which is why I subscribed in the first
place. Because of my current transistion to Debian from Brand X distro. (for
you John) 

So as one justifiably rebuked, I will endevor to keep my posting on this
list Debian centered.

     Hey! It happens. Well it does...

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