Steve Doerr wrote:
> Hi.  I wonder if anybody has any advice on network configuration,
> because I can't get eth1 to pass any traffic out of my router box.
> I've got box1's eth0 connected to my dsl line through the dsl
> modem/router and it picks up the ip, etc. through dhcpcd.  This card is
> connected to the internet fine.
> I've got box1's eth1 connected to jack 1 of the hub, but the hub doesn't
> show anything connected.  eth1 is a good card, and I can ping it at
>, but I've missed something about configuring it to send
> traffic out to my hub and my network.
> eth1 on box1 is configured as follows in /etc/network/interfaces (even
> though I'm using dhcpcd on eth0, the external ip is always the same, so
> I'm using static on eth1):
> iface eth1 inet static
>    address
>    netmask
>    network
>    broadcast
>    gateway <ext_ip_from_eth0>

for one eth1 should have no gateway. i don't know if this would cause the
problem your having but it might. just keep the gateway on eth0 if traffic
is going out there. also be sure ip forwarding is turned on.

if your using kernel 2.2:

echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

also if your doing IP MASQ be sure the rules are enabled/configured right.

and be sure that all other machines are using as their gateway
if this machine is the only router/gateway.


ICQ: 75132336

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