First you need to find out what brand of card you have, then setting it up for a static IP is pretty easy.

once u have found out what card you have and installed it in the kernel then go to /etc/network and edit interfaces, it should look a little like this:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
                address        <<-=- change to you static IP
                netmask  <<-=- the netmask for your WAN
                network        <<-=- change to your network address
                broadcast    <<-=- your getting the picture
                gateway        <<-=- the IP of the computer that handles the Internet connection

now this may not be what u want but this is sort of the general idea of how i did it :o)

Raghunathan VS wrote:

Sir/Ma'm, I have installed Debian on my system. But I have problem in configuring the internet connection.pppconfig seem to offer solution for dial-up lines.But I have a LAN card installed in my system and it is on WAN having an unique IP address.How do I install my LAN card and configure the IP for net connectivity ? Expecting quick answer to proceed furtherThanksRegardsRaghu

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