On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 08:28:56AM +1000, Mark Devin wrote:
> > I need to compile rp-pppoe for my adsl connection.  (I initially thought
> > I could just do apt-get install pppoe but apparently not.)
> >
> > Anyway, my question is how do I compile stuff the debian way?  You know,
> > so that the packages are all "known" by dpkg.
> Oh,  And what about if I have the tarball on my system?

Just build and install the tarball and use the equivs package to let the
Debian package database know it exists.  It's often wise to keep your
non-Debian stuff in /usr/local/ just to ensure that Debian won't step on
it (and it won't step on Debian).  A package line 'stow' might help you
manage /usr/local.


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