Nathan wrote:

> goto and u can download the rp-pppoe-3.0tar.gz file and
> untar it and cd into the directory and type ./go to do the setup.

I am still having probles with this ADSL on Telstra Bigpond

I did what you said above.  It almost seems to work but there is still some
problem as I can't ping the DNS by either its  name or its IPaddress.

Here is what /var/log/syslog shows:
Apr  8 12:59:41 debian pppd[1218]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
Apr  8 12:59:41 debian pppd[1218]: Using interface ppp0
Apr  8 12:59:41 debian pppd[1218]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/6
Apr  8 12:59:42 debian pppoe[1219]: PADS: Service-Name: ''
Apr  8 12:59:42 debian pppoe[1219]: PPP session is 3168
Apr  8 12:59:43 debian pppd[1218]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy 

Apr  8 12:59:43 debian pppd[1218]: local  IP address
Apr  8 12:59:43 debian pppd[1218]: remote IP address

Note the error "Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP"

Have you any further suggestions for me.  I am feeling very stupid and 
by now.



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