>Because you expect other people to implement your suggestion while you do
   Some people get my point, and others don't.   I don't expect anything.
Let me try another analogy, since my first one was lousy;

  Say I'm visiting my uncle in Lynchburg, Tenn.   We go to the mall to buy a
shirt.   The mall is this beautiful 2-story complex with indoor fountains
and trees, and very nice shops etc.   However, the only way in and out was a
rope ladder to narrow passage.   We arrive at 10am when they open.  There is
a crowd of people milling around.  They can't find the entrance.   Many of
them have flown all the way from Redmond, WA to see this wonderful mall.
A few have discovered the passage and are climbing in, but most are just in
the crowd in the parking lot.  They don't know where they're supposed to go
and they're getting hot, sweaty, and thirsty.   Most end up getting
disgusted, and get back in their cars and drive away.

  After getting home, I can't understand what they were thinking when they
built the mall.   So I send in a little editorial note to the local
newspaper suggesting that they make the entrances bigger and easier to spot,
since it would server everybody's interests.  It doesn't make much
difference to me whether they actually fix the entrances, since I'm leaving
the morning to go back home.   I just thought it would be a good suggestion
for the customers, the shopkeepers, and the mall management.

  However, at 3am, the local police bash down my uncle's door, and drag me
out of bed.  They charge me with violating a local ordinance.   I have made
a suggestion to widen the mall entrance without showing up with a
wheelbarrow and jackhammer to do it myself!   They strap me to a post in the
center of the town, and now nobody cares about the mall anymore since they
have something better to do.   Each resident is allowed to whip me thirty
lashes, although nobody cares if you go over, as long it doesn't cut into
anyone else's whipping time.

   After I die from bleeding, they put my corpse on a big wooden frame and
mount it on the side of the mall with the caption:

"Dumb, Lazy, Selfish Bastard!"

-Kevin Stokes

>I don't know your parents well enough to comment on the bastard part, but
if you want to take without giving, that pretty much is the textbook
definition of selfish.<

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