>Your latest analogy is worse than the first... espeically the part
about people bashing down the door, dragging you out of bed and
kicking your proverbial ass.<

Gosh, you guys are so serious!  I was just having a bit of fun with that
part.   The whole thing is tongue-in-cheek, although like all humour, it has
to have a grain of truth or some kind of point to make in order to work.

 I'm not upset or mad or flaming anybody or anything.

>In your editorial did you say "You should really reapportion your
volunteer efforts or else your product is trash?".  <

  I never said that.   I complemented Linux several times, and especially
complemented the helpful people on this list.  I never attacked Linux or
anybody.   I just said, "gosh, it looks like a big piece is missing!"

  The people on this list have helped me several times, and I have been
polite and said my thanks.   I have said I like Linux and think it is great.

  I did say that IMHO if the Linux community wants to be an elite club, then
they are right on track.   If they want to become the dominant OS, then they
need really good newbie doc.    That is it.    I don't think that is mean,
selfish, or dumb.   It is not meant as an attack on anybody.   Probably some
people do want to keep Linux as an elite club, and others want it to grow
and spread everywhere.   I like Linux, and think it would be cool if it
spread everywhere, but I'm not yet a devotee.

  I've only got about 3 or 4 full days Linux experience total.  You may
accuse me of being arrogant for making a suggestion when I don't know squat
about linux, and have not contributed anything to it.   Ah, but you see as a
newbie I can offer something that the experts cannot, and that the viewpoint
of a newbie.   If you do want Linux to grow and spread, that necessitates
attracting newbies from Windows to Linux.  And so this different viewpoint
may be helpful to you.

   Anyway, my analogy was only a light-hearted thing.  I'm not bitter about
being criticized or angry at the community.  If I've upset people by
speaking up, I apologize.  I didn't mean to make trouble.

  And once again I would like to thank the people who have helped me with my
Linux troubles, and once again I would like to point out that this community
is one of the friendliest and most helpful I have ever dipped into.

Kevin Stokes

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