On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Kevin Stokes wrote:
> >Because you expect other people to implement your suggestion while you do
> nothing.<
>    Some people get my point, and others don't.   I don't expect anything.
> Let me try another analogy, since my first one was lousy;

This one is worse. Way worse.

>   Say I'm visiting my uncle in Lynchburg, Tenn.   We go to the mall to buy a
> shirt.   The mall is this beautiful 2-story complex with indoor fountains
> and trees, and very nice shops etc.   However, the only way in and out was a
> rope ladder to narrow passage.   We arrive at 10am when they open.  There is
> a crowd of people milling around.  They can't find the entrance.   Many of
> them have flown all the way from Redmond, WA to see this wonderful mall.
> A few have discovered the passage and are climbing in, but most are just in
> the crowd in the parking lot.  They don't know where they're supposed to go
> and they're getting hot, sweaty, and thirsty.   Most end up getting
> disgusted, and get back in their cars and drive away.

Mall == for profit business with incentive to attract as many customers
as possible that have to pay for goods.

Linux == Free Software created by a community for that community. Many
would say it's a meritocracy.    

>    After I die from bleeding, they put my corpse on a big wooden frame and
> mount it on the side of the mall with the caption:

Nice. So, what - you're a martyr now? Give us a break. 

> "Dumb, Lazy, Selfish Bastard!"

If the shoe fits... Might want to add "glutton for punishment." 

If this is important to you, then you should be willing to contribute.
If it's not, then don't bitch. Don't bitch and expect everyone to cater
to your whims, okay? The Linux community is, by and large, NOT just
trying to build "market share." Some folks would like to see everyone
migrate to Linux - and they're making the effort. Maybe not fast
enough to satisfy you, but they are. 

Do you really believe that you've made a point that has never crossed
anyone's mind? That you're the first person who has noticed *gasp*
that the documentation isn't written so that first graders with learning
disabilities can grasp it on the first try? The fact that Linux needs
better documentation is well understood. The fact that some people give
up in frustration is also understood. You haven't introduced any 
new information here - you've simply restated a well-known problem, and
made it known that you have no interest in solving it.  

If you have a question to ask, then ask it. Don't be surprised when
people point to the existing documentation and say "read this first."
If Linux is simply too hard for you now, and you're unwilling to make
an effort to learn, give it up. 

It's obvious that you're more interested in complaining than learning.

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
ICQ: 43599611
"Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books... Men 
should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives 
and say: I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I 
can, and my children will. Boys ought to grow up remembering that." 
"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" -- James Stewart

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