On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 07:24:59PM -0400, Kevin Stokes wrote:

[ snip ]
>   However, at 3am, the local police bash down my uncle's door, and drag me
> out of bed.  They charge me with violating a local ordinance.   I have made
> a suggestion to widen the mall entrance without showing up with a
> wheelbarrow and jackhammer to do it myself!   They strap me to a post in the
> center of the town, and now nobody cares about the mall anymore since they
> have something better to do.   Each resident is allowed to whip me thirty
> lashes, although nobody cares if you go over, as long it doesn't cut into
> anyone else's whipping time.
>    After I die from bleeding, they put my corpse on a big wooden frame and
> mount it on the side of the mall with the caption:
> "Dumb, Lazy, Selfish Bastard!"

After a unanimous vote, the elitist cabal has decided you are a
dumb-ass.  Go away.

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

PS There is no cabal.

PPS Would this thread go away if I mentioned National Socialism?

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