On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 11:31:28PM +1000, Damon Muller wrote:
> We *are* amused :)

Extremely so.  (I just wish I could forward it to more people without having
to then explain it to them...  Guess I need more geek friends.)

> <blantant troll>
> Although a real man would have been running qmail and courier-imap...
> </blantant troll>

Actually, given all the Debian-centric info on BIND, I was kind of surprised
that he wasn't running Debian's default MTA:  exim.  (OTOH, exim's handling
of aliases and virtual domains is a lot simpler than sendmail's (oh, hell -
damn near _anything_ is simpler than configuring sendmail), so the story
would've lost at least 30-40 lines of explanations if exim was used.)

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI++++ D G e* h+ r y+

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