On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Damon Muller wrote:

> I've got to say, this is the first 100+ line message I've read on the
> list for ages, and it was worth every prescious second!
> We *are* amused :)

Thanks.  When I'm trying to avoid real work, I can get very inspired.

> <blantant troll>
> Although a real man would have been running qmail and courier-imap...
> </blantant troll>

Actually, that's a valid question.  Sendmail, for better or worse, is the
industry standard.  Sendmail knowledge has come in quite handy for me on
Solaris etc.  Of course it is crufty beyond compare and it remains to be
seen how long they can keep patching up its' basically flawed design but
for now it remains one of the workhorses of the Internet.

qmail on the other hand, I've only seen used on Linux and FreeBSD.  Also I
don't quite get the point of maildirs.  Yes they're supposed to be
"better" but I've not really seen any difference in real life.  Plus there
are the annoying license restrictions.  One of these days I'll take a good
look at postfix, it seems to be as secure and well-designed but plays more
nicely with others than qmail.  Exim, for some reason I've always thought
of as a toy.  But my information is probably years out of date.

btw, I wish to call to the attention of the readers a little omission in
my story.  You also have to add the new domain to /etc/mail/relay-domains.
In the bad old days, sendmail let any mail go through by default thus
allowing spammers unlimited access.  Now it does the opposite.  It will
refuse to deliver mail that comes from any domain except those listed in
this file.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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