On Tuesday 08 May 2001 18:17, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 01:42:20PM +0200, Daniel Faller wrote:
> FWIW I have 2.4.4 booting like a charm here. I didn't change my
> lilo.conf either.
That's right, I tried it with a different PC at home, and it worked without 
any problem with the standard setup.

But the PC here at work (which is very similar, except that it has a Dual 
Board) still refuses to work. They are both standard potato, with some (the 
same) necessary packages recompiled.

> > So what can I do in order to boot kernel 2.4.4 ?
> Try "linear" or "lba32" options in lilo.conf? It shouldn't matter if
> your kernel is below 1024th cylinder, but it won't hurt to try...
> we hope.
I'll try it, but I am not really convinced because up to now the lilo.conf 
was all right.


Daniel Faller
Fakultaet fuer Physik
Abt. Honerkamp
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

Tel.: 0761-203-5875
Fax.: 0761-203-5967 
URL:    http://webber.physik.uni-freiburg.de/~fallerd         

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