On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 11:53:44AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:

> Any further suggestions or anything seemingly relevant in this information?

I think I know part of what your problem is.  Either do in your yp.conf:
domain mycompany.com server bradley.west.mycompany.com
                     ^^^^^^ -- Note "server" not "ypserver"
ypserver bradley.west.mycompany.com

That might take care of part of the problem.  (You should not be
broadcasting for domain info, as the results from ypbind was suggesting.
Mostly this is for security reasons, and also some networks/machines
are actively hostile to broadcast messages.)

Also, I'm curious about what sort of results you might see from

rpcinfo -u bradley.west.mycompany.com ypserv


rpcinfo -t bradley.west.mycompany.com ypserv

If you don't see something like (from both):
program 100004 version 1 ready and waiting
program 100004 version 2 ready and waiting

Then something's wrong with rpc/portmapper on your machine.
(Unless, of course, ypserv isn't registered with portmap.)
[If -t works and -u doesn't, it means that udp isn't working
properly on your machine.]

I sincerely hope this helps (at least somewhat),

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