On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 12:36:23PM -0700, Ian Greenhoe wrote:
> I think I know part of what your problem is.  Either do in your yp.conf:
> domain mycompany.com server bradley.west.mycompany.com
>                      ^^^^^^ -- Note "server" not "ypserver"
>   OR
> ypserver bradley.west.mycompany.com

Hmph.  Changing the term based on usage...  Well, lets see:

bradley:~# ypbind -d
parsing config file
Trying entry: domain mycompany.com server bradley.west.mycompany.com
parsed domain 'mycompany.com' server 'bradley.west.mycompany.com'
add_server() domain: mycompany.com, host: bradley.west.mycompany.com,
nobroadcast, slot: 0
[Welcome to ypbind-mt, version 1.7]

ping host 'bradley.west.mycompany.com', domain 'mycompany.com'
ypbindproc_domain_2_svc (mycompany.com)
trylock = success
ping host 'bradley.west.mycompany.com', domain 'mycompany.com'
ypbindproc_domain_2_svc (mycompany.com)
trylock = success
ping host 'bradley.west.mycompany.com', domain 'mycompany.com'
Pinging all active server.
ping host 'bradley.west.mycompany.com', domain 'mycompany.com'
Pinging all active server.

Looks like progress, but ypwhich still says "can't yp_bind: Reason:
Domain not bound".  And ypserv continues to show nothing beyond the
startup stuff in its debug output.

I also doublechecked /etc/hosts and the machine is able to ping both
of the addresses it lists there.  (It's a dual-NIC server.  One address
is on the name bradley.west and the other is bradley.east, so there
shouldn't be any confusion there.)

> That might take care of part of the problem.  (You should not be
> broadcasting for domain info, as the results from ypbind was suggesting.
> Mostly this is for security reasons, and also some networks/machines
> are actively hostile to broadcast messages.)

Good thing to know.

> Also, I'm curious about what sort of results you might see from
> rpcinfo -u bradley.west.mycompany.com ypserv

bradley:~# rpcinfo -u bradley.west.mycompany.com ypserv
rpcinfo: RPC: Timed out
program 100004 version 0 is not available

> rpcinfo -t bradley.west.mycompany.com ypserv

bradley:~# rpcinfo -t bradley.west.mycompany.com ypserv
rpcinfo: RPC: Timed out
program 100004 version 0 is not available

> I sincerely hope this helps (at least somewhat),

Dunno how much further there is to go, but at least it _feels_ like
we're getting somewhere.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL++++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI++++ D G e* h r y+

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