also sprach Brian Stults (on Wed, 11 Jul 2001 03:50:18PM -0400):
> The only servers I run are an ssh server and an ftp server.  I do
> not allow anonymous ftp, and I tunnel all my ftp transfers through
> ssh.

um, why??? why not use scp or sftp? the thing is: anonymous ftp is
"moderately" safe, regular ftp is not, since user name and password
are transmitted. but you know this and thus you tunnel - which means
that your ftp server should *only* bind to and to *no
other* port - i.e. it should not even listen to anything but

> Here is one concern of theirs, though, that I don't understand.  They
> said one problem with linux is that it will trick their network into
> thinking that my linux box is the main server, thus bringing down a
> system of over 2000 users.

yes, this is the pathetic thing about micro$oft, and it's quite fun to
do so on a network, if you are feeling destructive. anyway, this only
has to do with samba, and can be disabled by decreasing the samba
server's domain server election priority. but you knew this too (which
i found reading on in your email)

tell them that you'll be financially responsible for any damages
caused by your system's presence, and that for any hack attack that
doesn't use your system, they shall pay $10,000 to the Debian
project and throw one windoze machine out of the window. then give me
their IP block. hehe.

there *has* to be a reason why there is 1 Debian security advisory per
every 7 micro$oft security advisories on BugTraq :)

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the web site you seek
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