At 994979775s since epoch (07/12/01 19:16:15 -0400 UTC), Michael A. Miller 
> >>>>> "Haim" == Haim Ashkenazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     > 1. as many people stated, DON"T use ftp. it's the most
>     > dangerous protocol. use scp instead.
> Can anyone suggest a way to scp from a machine where I'm not
> allowed to install scp?  (For example, win98 and win2000 machines
> in our libraries)

Here's a start:

It's an SSH/SCP applet.  If you could load it on your own machine,
then you could access it over the web and run SCP through the applet
-- no installation necessary.  Only problem is, to overcome Java
Applet sandbox restrictions, you need to sign the applet (this is done
for you), and accept that signature in Netscape (which you probably
can't do on a public machine).

Anybody want to donate a CA-signed version of this applet that would
be trusted by browsers??


Jason Healy    |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LogN Systems   |

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