On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 03:56:02PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
| >>>>> "Jeremy" == Jeremy Gaddis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|     Jeremy> Two possible suggestions: - tunnel the NFS traffic over an
|     Jeremy> SSH traffic (similar to remote X sessions)
| Can you use SSH to tunnel UDP traffic???
| (I didn't think it was possible, and last I heard, NFS over TCP was
| still very experimental)

Interesting ... from my understanding UDP is a connectionless
protocol, and as such packets aren't guaranteed to arrive at the
destination.  It seems to me that for a file system, you really want
all the packets to arrive.  How is this not a problem?  (BTW, I'm just
beginning in networking programming and have no NFS experience yet,
but don't be afraid to give gory programming details :-))


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